The State of Financial Crime Report 2022, serves as a comprehensive examination of the evolving landscape of financial crime. This extensive report was crafted with the aim of shedding light on the multifaceted challenges faced by the financial industry in combatting illicit activities such as money laundering, fraud, and terrorist financing. By delving into the latest trends, regulatory changes, and emerging threats, the report provides invaluable insights to financial institutions, regulators, and stakeholders worldwide.
The front cover and editorial layout design draws inspiration from the rich artistic traditions of Russian Constructivism and the innovative layout designs of Willy Fleckhaus. These elements reflect the movement's emphasis on functionality and clarity, mirroring the content's informational purpose. Fleckhaus's influence is evident in the use of clean lines, minimalist typography, and a focus on visual storytelling, which I wanted to incorporate into the editorial layout.

The images displayed above are not my original creations but have been sourced from various platforms to showcase my inspiration and design concepts. I do not claim ownership of these images, and all credit for their creation goes to their respective artists and creators.

Front Cover
When designing the front cover of the report, I wanted to encapsulate the key trends and challenges, that were faced in the financial industry in 2022. The use of multiple images, seamlessly blends into one minimalistic aesthetic, enhancing the report's core messages with clarity and impact.

Layout Design

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